
Menghilangkan Folder Option dari Windows Explorer

Folder Options dari Windows Explorer dapat ditampilkan dengan klik kanan Start | Exlpore | Tools

Folder Options dapat dihilangkan dari tampilan Windows Explorer

Lakukan langkah-langkah berikut:
1. Klik Start | Run | ketik: Regedit tekan Enter
2. Pada HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer, klik Edit | New | DWORD Value | beri nama dengan ketik: NoFolderOptions dan tekan Enter
3. Double klik entri NoFolderOptions, beri nilai 1 pada Value data lalu klik OK

4. Reboot komputer, Folder Option dari Windows Exlorer akan tidak lagi ditampilkan.

Untuk mengembalikan Folder Option dari Windows Exlorer, lakukan yang sama seperti pada langkah-langkah 1 s/d 3 diatas tetapi beri Value data = 0 untuk entri NoFolderOptions.



Backup and Restore Outlook Express items

(This article was copied from http://support.microsoft.com/kb/270670)

Backup Outlook Express items:
* Messages
* The Address Book
* Mail accounts
* News accounts

1) Copy message files to a backup folder

Step A: Locate the Store folder

1. Start Outlook Express.
2. Click Tools, and then click Options.
3. On the Maintenance tab, click Store Folder.
4. In the Store Location dialog box, copy the store location. To do this, follow these steps:
1. Put the mouse pointer at one end of the box under the Your personal message store is located in the following folder box.
2. Press and hold the left mouse button, and then drag the mouse pointer across the Your personal message store is located in the following folder box.
3. Press CTRL+C to copy the location.
5. Click Cancel, and then click Cancel again to close the dialog box.

Step B: Copy the contents of the Store folder

1. Click Start, click Run, press CTRL+V, and then click OK.
2. On the Edit menu, click Select All.
3. On the Edit menu, click Copy, and then close the window.

Step C: Create a backup folder

1. Right-click any empty area on your desktop, click New, and then click Folder.
2. Type Mail Backup for the folder name, and then press ENTER.

Step D: Paste the contents of the Store folder into the backup folder

1. Double-click the Mail Backup folder to open it.
2. Right-click inside the Mail Backup folder window, and then click Paste.

2) Export the Address Book to a .csv file
Important Make sure that you follow this step if you use multiple identities in Outlook Express.

Microsoft Outlook Express 5.x and Microsoft Outlook Express 6.0 use a Windows Address Book (.wab) file to store Address Book data. The individual data for each identity is stored in a folder by user name within the .wab file that is used.

The only way to separate the Address Book data for different identities is to export the data to a .csv file while you are logged in as a specific identity. If the .wab file becomes dissociated from the user identities, the data can be exported only as one total. In this case, the data cannot be exported folder by folder.

There is another reason to export the .wab file to a .csv file. If the .wab file not exported to a .csv file, but the .wab file is shared with Microsoft Outlook, the addresses are stored in the personal folders (.pst) file in Outlook. When you export the file to a .csv file by using the File menu in Outlook Express, the correct contacts are exported. However, if the Address Book is shared with Outlook, you cannot use the File menu option to export from the Address Book. This option is unavailable.

To export the Address Book to a .csv file, follow these steps:

1. On the File menu, click Export, and then click Address Book.
2. Click Text File (Comma Separated Values), and then click Export.
3. Click Browse.
4. Select the Mail Backup folder that you created.
5. In the File Name box, type address book backup, and then click Save.
6. Click Next.
7. Click to select the check boxes for the fields that you want to export, and then click Finish.
8. Click OK, and then click Close.

3) Export the mail account to a file

1. On the Tools menu, click Accounts.
2. On the Mail tab, click the mail account that you want to export, and then click Export.
3. In the Save In box, select the Mail Backup folder, and then click Save.
4. Repeat these steps for each mail account that you want to export.
5. Click Close.

4) Export the newsgroup account to a file

1. On the Tools menu, click Accounts.
2. On the News tab, click the news account that you want to export, and then click Export.
3. In the Save In box, select the Mail Backup folder, and then click Save.
4. Repeat these steps for each news account that you want to export.
5. Click Close.

Restore Outlook Express items

Note To restore items when you use multiple identities in Outlook Express, you may have to re-create the identities before you follow these steps. Repeat each step as needed for each identity.

1) Import messages from the backup folder

1. On the File menu, point to Import, and then click Messages.
2. In the Select an e-mail program to import from box, click Microsoft Outlook Express 5 or Microsoft Outlook Express 6, and then click Next.
3. Click Import mail from an OE5 store directory or Import mail from an OE6 store directory, and then click OK.
4. Click Browse, and then click the Mail Backup folder.
5. Click OK, and then click Next.
6. Click All folders, click Next, and then click Finish.

2) Import the Address Book file

1. On the File menu, click Import, and then click Other Address Book.
2. Click Text File (Comma Separated Values), and then click Import.
3. Click Browse.
4. Select the Mail Backup folder, click the address book backup.csv file, and then click Open.
5. Click Next, and then click Finish.
6. Click OK, and then click Close.

3) Import the mail account file

1. On the Tools menu, click Accounts.
2. On the Mail tab, click Import.
3. In the Look In box, select the Mail Backup folder.
4. Click the mail account that you want to import, and then click Open.
5. Repeat these steps for each mail account that you want to import.
6. Click Close.

4) Import the newsgroup account file

1. On the Tools menu, click Accounts.
2. On the News tab, click Import.
3. In the Look In box, select the Mail Backup folder.
4. Click the news account that you want to import, and then click Open.
5. Repeat these steps for each news account that you want to import.
6. Click Close.



Tools for monitoring network conditions

For monitoring network conditions, we often use DOS Commands:

1. Ping (Packet InterNet Groper)

Example: ping zychen-blogpage.blogspot.com

2. Tracert (Traceroute)

Example: tracert zychen-blogpage.blogspot.com

3. Netstat (TCP/IP network protocol statistics and information)
Example: netstat

4. NSlookup (Name Server Lookup) to query the Domain Name Service for information about domain names and IP addresses.
Example: nslookup zychen-blogpage.blogspot.com

5. Pathping (performs the equivalent of the tracert command, it sends pings periodically to all of the routers over a specified time period and computes statistics based on the number returned from each)
Example: pathping zychen-blogpage.blogspot.comt



Physical Address

I. Apa itu Physical Address

Setiap network interface mempunyai Physical Address, nama lain dari MAC (Media Access Controller) Address, yang dinyatakan dengan bilangan berformat nn-nn-nn-nn-nn-nn, dimana Physical Address melalui DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) menentukan TCP/IP Address.

II. Melihat Physical Address pada Windows Xp

Kita dapat melihat Physical Address dari Ethernet Adapter Local Area Connection pada komputer kita dengan cara seperti berikut:

1. Klik Start | Run | ketik: cmd pada kotak isian, lalu klik OK
2. Setelah bearada dalam command prompt, ketik ipconfig/all, lalu tekan Enter, pada contoh yang terlihat dalam gambar dibawah ini Physical address-nya adalah 00-0B-6A-20-CA-0A.

3. Selesai melihat, ketik exit lalu tekan Enter untuk keluar dari command prompt.

III. Merubah Physical Address pada Windows Xp

Kita dapat merubah Physical Address dari komputer kita, misalnya 00-0B-6A-20-CA-0A, menjadi 00-1D-7D-9D-89-CD dengan cara seperti berikut:

1. Lihat Description dari Ethernet adapter Local Area Connection dengan command ipconfig/all seperti cara kita melihat Physical Address (point II. Pada contoh diatas Description-nya adalah Ali PCI Fast Ethernet Controller).
2. Lakukan perubahan pada registry, untuk itu klik Start | Run | ketik: regedt32 (jangan regedit) | ok.
3. Pada HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Class\{4D36E972-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318} cari dalam sub-folder 0000, 0001, 0002… dimana terdapat keyword DriverDesc dengan value Ali PCI Fast Ethernet Controller (ini adalah Description dari Ethernet adapter Local Area Connection yang sudah kita lihat dari hasil ipconfig/all pada langkah 1). Pada contoh kita sub-folder dimana terdapat DriverDesc Ali PCI Fast Ethernet Controller adalah 0001.
4. Bila dalam sub-folder 0001 tidak terdapat keyword NetworkAddress, buat dengan meng-klik kanan 0001 lalu klik New | String Value | beri name: NetworkAddress, setelah itu double klik NetworkAddress untuk memberi Value data: 001D7D9D89CD (Physical Address 00-1D-7D-9D-89-CD diinputkan tanpa tanda - ).

klik OK maka kita akan mendapatkan tampilan berikut:

5. Setelah keluar dari Registry, reboot komputer, dan berada pada command prompt, gunakan command ipconfig/all untuk memastikan Pysical Address telah berubah seperti yang diinginkan.
